SAINT BERNARDS, are noble Friends, "Powerful, proportionately tall figure, strong and muscular in every part, with help travelers and served as guides. Many times during snow storms these wonderful giant dogs powerful head and most intelligent expression".
First record of life-saving work by the Great Saint Bernard was recorded in 1774, at the Hospice in the Swiss Alps.
Saint Bernards is are dogs of Giant Size were used to erished while attempting to save lives. Their nose is so accurate as to scent a person eight feet under the snow.
Saints are loyal companions and generally good with children provided children are taught to conduct themselves properly. Saints are not indestructible they should be treated as any normal size dog.
Saints would love to be friends to all. Their size and deep bark will discourage most, however, do not be surprised if he holds the flashlight while the burglar gets safely away with the family treasures.
Saint Bernards go through growth stages, and spurts the most awkward being between eight and fourteen months of age. At full maturity, the adult male will weigh between 150 - 180, and a female, between 130 - 160 pounds. Some males can reach 200 pounds, but that is rare, and the person who tells you that his dog weighs 250 or better is usually mistaken. The longhaired Saint Bernard does appear heavier usually. The Saint Bernard Club of America has issued a statement that there is no such thing as a "dry mouthed" Saint Bernard.
A Saint Bernard sheds his coat twice a year, once in the spring and fall. Frequent and thorough brushing will keep your Saint relatively free of loose hair.
Training a Saint Bernard at a very young age is recommended as it is easier to train a young smaller puppy than a 150 pound dog. Saint Bernards are know to be protective of their family and home, certain individuals have a very strong fear of large dogs, it is thought these humans emit an odor that is readily picked up by Saint Bernards. As with any dog a Saint Bernards commands when training should be as short as possible, a Saint has a very strong desire to please it's owner. Every Saint Bernard that is mentally and physically sound can be taught good manners and simple obedience by any normal individual. Certain criteria should be met by the dog and trainer if the training is to be enjoyable and effective. Everyone involved should be calm and rested. The trainer must be gentle, patient, firm and persistent. Remember a well trained well-mannered Saint Bernard saves it's owner money, embarrassment and heart-ache. Elementary exercises and obedience training of heeling, staying, laying down, and sitting can keep a frisky Saint Bernard out of trouble in most cases.
Heinrich Schumacher, from Holligen near Berne, Switzerland, was the first to document and provide pedigrees for his dogs. In February 1884 the "Schweizerische Hundestammbuch der SKG"(SHSB), the Swiss SKG/FCI Dog Stud Book, was opened. The very first entry was the St. Bernard "Léon", and the following 28 entries were also all St. Bernards. The Swiss St. Bernard Club was founded in Basle on March 15th 1884. During the International Canine Congress of June 2nd 1887, the St. Bernard was officially recognised as a Swiss breed and the breed standard was declared as binding. Since that time the St. Bernard has been a Swiss national dog.