Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The conditions of dogs in Africa

Dogs have been a part of African life for many centuries in their basic form which retains its integrity unblemished over the repeated colonial invasions. Dogs are part of the rich lore and often times are used as guard dogs instead of pets.
Generally in Africa, there are a lot of stray dogs in cities, towns and villages. Being a dog lover, the sordid condition of these mongrels can be distressing. In general these stray dogs are quite harmless and a shout or a wave of a stick should discourage any contact. Stray dogs aren't treated very well and are usually quite quick to skulk away. Most of the time they are in search for food.
They're often hungry and a bit on the mangy side. Often people are tempted to pet or feed them, however their(the dogs) conditions does not exceed that. The average African is incapable of proper feeding, therefore it is almost impossible to appreciate the domestic animal, usually regarded as Man's best friend"

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Joke for the day

This dog joke is really cool. When i read it i laughed so hard and wanted to share it with you.

This guy sees a sign in front of a house, "Talking Dog for Sale." He rings the bell and the owner tells him the dog is in the back yard. The guy goes into the back yard and sees a mutt sitting there."You talk?", he asks."Yep", the mutt replies."So, what's your story?"The mutt looks up and says "Well, I discovered this gift pretty young and I wanted to help the government, so I told the CIA about my gift, and in no time they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leader, cause no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping. I was one of their most valuable spies eight years running. The jetting aroundreally tired me out, and I knew I wasn't getting any younger and I wanted to settle down. So I signed up for a job at the airport to do some undercover security work, mostly wandering nearsuspicious characters and listening in. I uncovered some incredible dealings there and was awarded a batch of medals. Had a wife, a mess of puppies, and now I'm just retired."The guy is amazed. He goes back in and asks the owner what he wants for the dog. The owner says "Ten dollars."The guy says he'll buy him but asks the owner, "This dog is amazing. Why on earth are you selling him?"The owner replies, "He's such a liar."

Via Jutfurkids

Friday, February 24, 2006

I think you guys are going to love this!

I was going through a magazine called Dog's World, and I stumbled across this piece that I think would be fun to share with you all. It is called

Reasons Dogs Don't Use Computers

1. Can't stick their heads out of windows

2. Hard to read the monitor with your head cocked to one side.

3. Too difficult to "mark" every website they visit.

4. can't help attacking the screen when they hear "You've got mail"

5. Fire hydrant icon simply frustrating.

6. Three words: Carpal Paw Syndrome.

7. Keep brusing noses trying to catch that MPEG frisbee.

8. Not at all fooled by Chuck wagon Screen saver.

9. Barking in next cube keeps attracting YOUR voice recognition software.

10. Saliva-coated "mouse" gets mighty difficult to maneuver.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Dogs as suicide bombers?

Suicide bombing began as a concept of self sacrifice. Many people gave their lives for their motherlands. In built in humans is the willingnesss to give up one's life for a cause.

It is a concept that led buddist to set themselves on fire in protest agaisnt oppression. Bon Hoffer and his group used it as an assasination technique during the 2nd world war.

Suicide bombing became a weapon around the turn of the century. In a world with an increasing shortage of human ideologies ready to give their lives for the cause, animals seem to be the option of chioce.

The new suicide weapon does not come from nuclear bombs or biological warfare. The new weapon is so-called "suicide" dog bomber.

The idea that a dog that has had explosives strapped to it is a "suicide" bomber is ludicrous. The dog has had no say in the matter and has absoultely no understanding of the philosophies and ideologies that the human suicide bombers has. Recently, insurgents in Iraq attached explosives to a dog and tried to blow up a military convoy near the northern oil center of kirkuk.

Outstanding Savings on Dog Supplies. Order Your Dog Products Today!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Dogs with clean ears are happy dogs

It is essential for your dog to always have clean ears so that it would leave them free of discomfort.
Here are some steps to ensure that your dog has got clean ears. How to Clean a Dog's Ears
Cleaning your dog's ears is a simple procedure. Heed the following steps.

1. Use an ear wash formulated for ear cleaning.

2. Soak a cotton ball thoroughly in the ear wash. Squeeze out excess ear wash.

3. Place the cotton ball in your dog's ear and gently rub up and down.

4. Allow your dog to shake off excess moisture. This is important for preventing ear infections.

5. Soak the tip of a cotton swab in the ear wash and run it along the nooks and crannies of your dog's ears.

6. Avoid putting the swab down your dog's ear canal; leave this type of cleaning to the veterinary medical staff.

via ehow

Friday, February 10, 2006

What type of dog do you like?

That's a really tough question.
Dogs make wonderful companions and friends, so for me to decide on the speice of dog i like, i have got to consider the type of lifestyle i live and the breed that will best fit this.
The next thing to consider is responsibility. Examine yourself. Dog ownership is one of life's most rewarding experiences. The responsibilities that goes with it are voluminous. you've got to ask yourself questions like...are my ready to embark on a lifelong quest? How easy will it be for me to train a certain breed of dog? What is the size of my home? What are the exercise requirements? and most importantly what is the role of the dog to me.

the following websites can help you in your decision
Choosing a Dog
Choosing A Dog: Choosing the Right Dog Breed
choosin the right dog

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Myths? In my opinion, they are true

One of the most popular and baseless urban myths about pit bulls is that pit bulls ‘turn’ on their owners. Dogs, as a species, do not perform behaviors “just because”. There are always reasons for behavior, and when aggression becomes a problem the reasons can be such things as improper handling, lack of socialization or training, a misreading of dog behavior by the owner, or, rarely, disease. Aggression, when it presents in pet dogs, follows specific patterns. First occur warning signs, then more warning signs, and finally, when those signs are continually ignored or misinterpreted, the dog resorts to using its teeth. When an owner is startled by a sudden, aggressive outburst, it is because they have been unaware of problems that were brewing.

This is on request

Frankly pitbuls are not one of my favourites but from what i've heard, pittbulls can become really sweet and friendly, if special notice is taken when training them. I would recommend the pitbull for families without little
This is a run down on pitbulls.

Pit bulls were long considered, by some, to be an ideal family pet and are recommended to this day by the American Kennel Club as an especially good dog for children. But, since the early 1990s, a series of well-publicized attacks on humans by aggressive members of the breed occurred, making the ownership of pit bulls controversial. Males of this breed are sometimes very aggressive towards other animals or dogs of the opposite sex, even if the same animal is friendly toward humans. This can present special challenges to those wishing to keep multiple dogs.

Pit bulls are members of breeds of dogs developed from the Old English Bulldog . They are medium-sized (males range 45-85lbs, females 30-80lbs), solidly built, short-coated dogs that require little grooming. They have an affectionate disposition, and are noted for their attachment to their masters as well as for their confident and intelligent temperament.

Pit Bulls are extremely athletic and energetic dogs, and require a great deal of exercise if they are not to become destructive. Although they can be short, they have extremely high muscle density and are generally capable of executing a standing four-foot-vertical jump. Pit bulls have also been bred to have a very high tolerance for pain.

Pit bulls were historically bred to display dominance aggression toward other dogs—a relic of the breed's dog fighting past. A pit bull displaying the correct breed temperament is friendly towards humans, and is generally a poor choice as a guard dog.

Supporters of pit bulls argue they can make good pets. Good breeding practices may help to minimize aggressive behavior. Most pit bull advocates recommend getting a pitbull as a puppy so the owner has more control over the socialization process, and can more easily train it away from unacceptable behaviors.

via wikipedia

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


The successful education of a dog is founded on the imaginative utilization of meaningful manipulation of the dog's natural inheritances. As trainers we are able to utilize and manipulate only those natural instincts and traits each dog brings with him from birth. A trainer's own skill and ability is apparent in his capacity to activate and direct those drives into positive actions and reflexive responses. A trainer who accepts the basic differences in the fundamental abilities of each individual animal presented to him will take the time and effort to discover the range and depth of the material to achieve the best possible results.

Specifically then, what should we see in the potential "Schutzhund?"-or translated into English, in the potential "protection dog?"

Monday, February 06, 2006

Are these really dogs?

As I sat on my computer wondering what next to write on I decided to take a survey of the qualities that exsist in different dogs..............the retrievers are great with kids, dobbermans are good watch dogs but what exactly is the use of poodles? I feel they are more like toys. so right now and taking a crash course on poodles. Any suggestions? help me out here

Let's talk!

This blog is strictly about dogs and so far I have given a run down on different types of dogs(maybe not much) so I think its about time we get down to chatting about what intrigues us most about our dogs.
Looking foward to having a marvelous time doing just that!

Saturday, February 04, 2006


One sunny morning, in Fort Wayne indiana, Dr Omotoyinbo decided to take a walk since the day was so beautiful. As she was walking she noticed a massive dog with its owner standing on the stairs.
Before she knew it the dog charged at her. Calling out for help, she tried to protect herself by using her hands as a sheild. All this while the owner of the dog did not offer any assistance. He just stood there and stared at the appalling scene.
In other words, the behaviour of dogs, to some extent, is influenced by the attitudes and personalities of their owners.
Dogs are like children; a lot is invested into giving them the right training. A child picks up its parents disposition, whether it is positive or negative. The same goes with dogs
In essence, there are voilent dogs because there are unpleasant people!

Friday, February 03, 2006


"When a dog runs at you, whistle for him." - Henry David Thoreau

Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails. What puts man in a higher state of evolution is that he has got his laugh on the right end." - Max Eastman

"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive." - Gilda Radner

"My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to 99 cents a can. That's almost $7.00 in dog money." - Joe Weinstein

"How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg." - Abraham Lincoln

"Dogs are getting bigger, according to a leading dog manufacturer." - Leo Rosten

"Barking dogs don't bite people they don't know." - Unknown "When the Man waked up he said,
'What is Wild Dog doing here?'
And the Woman said,
'His name is not Wild Dog any more,
but the First Friend,
because he will be our friend
for always and always and always.'" - Rudyard Kipling


SAINT BERNARDS, are noble Friends, "Powerful, proportionately tall figure, strong and muscular in every part, with help travelers and served as guides. Many times during snow storms these wonderful giant dogs powerful head and most intelligent expression".
First record of life-saving work by the Great Saint Bernard was recorded in 1774, at the Hospice in the Swiss Alps.
Saint Bernards is are dogs of Giant Size were used to erished while attempting to save lives. Their nose is so accurate as to scent a person eight feet under the snow.
Saints are loyal companions and generally good with children provided children are taught to conduct themselves properly. Saints are not indestructible they should be treated as any normal size dog.
Saints would love to be friends to all. Their size and deep bark will discourage most, however, do not be surprised if he holds the flashlight while the burglar gets safely away with the family treasures.
Saint Bernards go through growth stages, and spurts the most awkward being between eight and fourteen months of age. At full maturity, the adult male will weigh between 150 - 180, and a female, between 130 - 160 pounds. Some males can reach 200 pounds, but that is rare, and the person who tells you that his dog weighs 250 or better is usually mistaken. The longhaired Saint Bernard does appear heavier usually. The Saint Bernard Club of America has issued a statement that there is no such thing as a "dry mouthed" Saint Bernard.
A Saint Bernard sheds his coat twice a year, once in the spring and fall. Frequent and thorough brushing will keep your Saint relatively free of loose hair.
Training a Saint Bernard at a very young age is recommended as it is easier to train a young smaller puppy than a 150 pound dog. Saint Bernards are know to be protective of their family and home, certain individuals have a very strong fear of large dogs, it is thought these humans emit an odor that is readily picked up by Saint Bernards. As with any dog a Saint Bernards commands when training should be as short as possible, a Saint has a very strong desire to please it's owner. Every Saint Bernard that is mentally and physically sound can be taught good manners and simple obedience by any normal individual. Certain criteria should be met by the dog and trainer if the training is to be enjoyable and effective. Everyone involved should be calm and rested. The trainer must be gentle, patient, firm and persistent. Remember a well trained well-mannered Saint Bernard saves it's owner money, embarrassment and heart-ache. Elementary exercises and obedience training of heeling, staying, laying down, and sitting can keep a frisky Saint Bernard out of trouble in most cases.
Heinrich Schumacher, from Holligen near Berne, Switzerland, was the first to document and provide pedigrees for his dogs. In February 1884 the "Schweizerische Hundestammbuch der SKG"(SHSB), the Swiss SKG/FCI Dog Stud Book, was opened. The very first entry was the St. Bernard "Léon", and the following 28 entries were also all St. Bernards. The Swiss St. Bernard Club was founded in Basle on March 15th 1884. During the International Canine Congress of June 2nd 1887, the St. Bernard was officially recognised as a Swiss breed and the breed standard was declared as binding. Since that time the St. Bernard has been a Swiss national dog.

via angelfire

Thursday, February 02, 2006


The ideal Rottweiler is a medium large, robust and powerful dog, black with clearly defined rust markings. His compact and substantial build denotes great strength, agility and endurance. Dogs are characteristically more massive throughout with larger frame and heavier bone than bitches. Bitches are distinctly feminine, but without weakness of substance or structure.
The Rottweiler is 24 inches to 27 inches. Bitches--22 inches to 25 inches, with preferred size being mid-range of each sex. Correct proportion is of primary importance, as long as size is within the standard's range.The length of body, from prosternum to the rearmost projection of the rump, is slightly longer than the height of the dog at the withers, the most desirable proportion of the height to length being 9 to 10. The Rottweiler is neither coarse nor shelly. Depth of chest is approximately fifty percent (50%) of the height of the dog. His bone and muscle mass must be sufficient to balance his frame, giving a compact and very powerful appearance.

via akc.org

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


The undisputed king of dogs, the versatile German Shepherd has done more in the service of mankind than any other. Apart from his original sheep herding role, he has excelled as a sentry and guard dog, police and army dog, tracker, drug detection dog, guide dog for the blind, as well as a search and rescue dog.
However, above all else, the German Shepherd is a superb companion dog. He is utterly devoted to his owner and family, but has a natural wariness of strangers and should be supervised with visitors and visiting children.
It is essential that the German Shepherd feels that he has a job to do in life and he needs regular exercise. His extreme intelligence needs to be utilized in some positive way. either by taking him to obedience training or by keeping him busily involved in family activities and outings and he should be socialized from an early age.

via healthy-dogs.net