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Frankly pitbuls are not one of my favourites but from what i've heard, pittbulls can become really sweet and friendly, if special notice is taken when training them. I would recommend the pitbull for families without little
This is a run down on pitbulls.
Pit bulls were long considered, by some, to be an ideal family pet and are recommended to this day by the American Kennel Club as an especially good dog for children. But, since the early 1990s, a series of well-publicized attacks on humans by aggressive members of the breed occurred, making the ownership of pit bulls controversial. Males of this breed are sometimes very aggressive towards other animals or dogs of the opposite sex, even if the same animal is friendly toward humans. This can present special challenges to those wishing to keep multiple dogs.
Pit bulls are members of breeds of dogs developed from the Old English Bulldog . They are medium-sized (males range 45-85lbs, females 30-80lbs), solidly built, short-coated dogs that require little grooming. They have an affectionate disposition, and are noted for their attachment to their masters as well as for their confident and intelligent temperament.
Pit Bulls are extremely athletic and energetic dogs, and require a great deal of exercise if they are not to become destructive. Although they can be short, they have extremely high muscle density and are generally capable of executing a standing four-foot-vertical jump. Pit bulls have also been bred to have a very high tolerance for pain.
Pit bulls were historically bred to display dominance aggression toward other dogs—a relic of the breed's dog fighting past. A pit bull displaying the correct breed temperament is friendly towards humans, and is generally a poor choice as a guard dog.
Supporters of pit bulls argue they can make good pets. Good breeding practices may help to minimize aggressive behavior. Most pit bull advocates recommend getting a pitbull as a puppy so the owner has more control over the socialization process, and can more easily train it away from unacceptable behaviors.
via wikipedia
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