Stray dogs often off-set a negative attitude, but on the contrary, there is a good side about stray dogs. it has been observed that more often than not, they turn out to be good pets and this I believe is because they have experience hardship and a life without love and acceptance, however when they come in contact with it, they respond well to it.A good example is
Sexi-Lexi, who was picked up by Stephanie Miller. Now three years old, she has now been selected for the agility competition at the crufts in march. Miller says "She's taken to it like a duck to water, has extra private training and really loves it." Another example is six-year-old Ivan Mishukov. His parents abandoned Ivan when he was just four years old. The boy survived by begging for food, which he then shared with the dogs that roamed the streets with him. In return they protected him and found warm places to stay in Reutova, west of Moscow, where the winter temperature can reach minus 30C. The bond that developed between Ivan and the dogs was so strong that it took police nearly a month to separate them.
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